Cardio Works
for time (40-min)
4 rounds
- 2o slam balls
- 20/15 cal bike/ski (alternate)
*rest 2-min after 4 rounds are complete
4 rounds
- 200m run
- 20 trx jumping pull ups
2×10 bulgarian split squat
(only add weight if hitting full rom)
4 sets:
- 1 power clean (rpe 8)
- 1 hang squat clean
- 1 jerk
2 sets: 2 clean & jerk @75%
18-min amrap
- 400m run
- 20 kb swings
- 10 burpee box jumps
Total Body
40-min running clock
2 rounds
- 2 total kb oh farmers walk
- 8 each s/a db shoulder press
- 8 each s/a upright row (high pull)
2×8: behind the neck push press (narrow grip) (rpe 7)
- rest 1:30-2 min
3×6: bench press (rpe 7)
- rest 1:30-2:30 min
4 rounds
- 15/12 cal bike
- 12 total front rack lunges
- 9 t2b/k2e
- -max rep push ups (until failure)
*rest 1-min between rounds
3×6 bent over row (rpe 7)
- rest 1:30-2 min
2×6 rdl (rpe 7)
- rest 1:30-2 min
3×6 deadlift (rpe 8)
- rest 2-3 min
*if complete, amrap
- 15 butterfly sit ups
- 10 cal bike
emom-4 rounds
- 6 strict pull ups
- 9 high box jumps
- 12 deadlift (225/155, 185/125)
- 15/12 cal ski
Open Gym tomorrow, this workout will be up on the screen.
4 rounds
- 20 goblet squats
- 15 db bench press
- trx rows (until failure)
- :30 max sprint bike
Rest 1:30 between rounds
4 rounds
- 10 each bulgarian split squats
- 15 db shoulder press
- 24 total alt. bicep curls
- 4 total farmers carry (across gym and back=2 reps)
2 rounds
- 15 each iso squat banded abduction
- 15 each band stationary lunge
3×8: back squat @75%
- 2:00-3:00 rest between
emom (5 sets)
- 3 front squat @65%
emom (4 rounds)
- 30 db russian twist
- 20 heavy russian kb swings
- 10 v- ups
- plank hold